
Cori Frede


Welcome to the one stop for all links Cori. Take some time to explore and feel free to reach out on social media with any questions.



Teched Up Learning: techeduplearning.com

YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/techeduplearning

Cori Runs Blog: running.makingcentsofit.com

Archive of original Making Cents of It Blog (last post 2015): archive.makingcentsofit.com

Spark of Inspiration (Coming Soon): sites.google.com/techeduplearning.com/sparky/home

Personal Documents

Resume: Cori Frede

Credly Certifications: Badges

Linkedin Learning: List of Courses Completed


Strava: Athlete Profile 

Garmin: Profile

Team Determination (American Cancer Society): Fundraising Page

What's in a name?

I often get asked where the handle @MakingCentsOfIt began. Right after college, I became a bit of a penny pincher while working as a day-to-day substitute teacher. This led to the creation of my blog Making Cents of It. The name stemmed from a play on the words sense and cents since the idea was to make sense of saving money without becoming overwhelming.
When I began teaching full-time, I was working in math classes before switching to business classes. At this point, I had the Twitter handle for so long and it still made "cents" since I was teaching entrepreneurship, investing, and other financial topics.
Although I stopped blogging about saving money, I still renew the domain every year because I use the accompanying email address. Originally I left the old blog but this past year I learned about link trees and realised it was a great way to utilize the dormant domain as I can keep all my links in one place that matches my handle.